Here are the two handouts from Wednesday’s discussion of Church Government, specifically on the issue of women in ministry:
How Can Women Serve in and through the Local Church?
Many, many, ways! Here are just a few:
- Personal witnessing and evangelism
- Prayer
- Influencing the culture by their word and example
- Singing
- Music ministry
- Drama ministry
- Helping in youth ministry
- Giving testimonies
- Addressing mixed audiences (men and women) concerning insights and experiences
- Advancing the spread of the gospel through missions (on the mission field women have historically taught that governance and authoritative teaching is to be done by men)
- Teaching a women’s Bible class
- Leading and teaching in various women’s ministries areas
- Teaching video-formatted teaching lessons (i.e., non-authoritative teaching) to men and women
- Supporting a husband teacher in a couples class by providing testimony, illustration, and application
- Teaching younger women about godly behavior (Titus 2:3-5)
- Teaching children
- Teaching youth
- Writing biblical literature including Bible teaching lessons and scholarly theological papers
- Ministering to the sick
- Ministering to the elderly
- Ministering to the disabled
- Ministering to the poor
- Ministering to prisoners
- Ministering to all church members
- Fighting against abortion
- Fighting against pornography and other social evils
- Writing to governmental leaders concerning righteous causes
- Teaching people to read and write
- Counseling—spiritual, financial, etc.
The above are but a few ways in which women can serve God in and through the local church. One of the greatest ways is not even mentioned in the above list. The Bible commends women who serve as a godly wife and mother! 1 Peter 3:5, for example, commends “holy women who trusted in God” and “adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands.” Indeed, where would we be without godly, biblical examples of wives and mothers such as Sarah, Hannah, Ruth, and Mary? It is very unfortunate that these biblical commendations of women are viewed by contemporary culture as examples of patriarchal suppression of women.
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