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Expository Preaching: Sermons, Thoughts, and Resources of Todd Linn

Preaching Post Fridays

How Pastors Help Their Congregations Worship

Pastors may be tempted to focus solely on sermon preparation and leave musical ministry to others. However, preachers are arguably in the best position to enhance congregational worship. Here are five ways preachers can help their congregations worship well:

1) Take Responsibility For Worship

Your church may have a minister of music or a similarly titled position, but if you are the lead pastor, you are the primary worship leader. You are called to oversee the entire congregation and bear ultimate responsibility for all that takes place during worship. Be sure to communicate your expectations for ministers under your leadership and meet weekly with them to prepare for upcoming services and review previous services.

2) Set A Good Worship Example

For different reasons, many people watch the preacher during the worship service. It may be they enjoy seeing their pastor worship. Or, they may be evaluating his level of interest and engagement. In any case, preachers model good worship behavior by giving their attention to whoever is speaking and joyfully singing with their fellow worshipers.

3) Don’t Review Your Notes During Worship

While this action could be placed under the previous heading, I believe it requires its own category. Glancing quickly over a sermon introduction just before entering the pulpit is one thing. Having our heads down during the entire worship service because we’re reading our manuscript is another thing altogether. Good sermon preparation includes time spent reviewing the message before the service begins. Furthermore, a preacher’s disengagement from the service disheartens worship teams and choirs, who may conclude the preacher doesn’t care about their musical gifts or leadership.

4) Frequently Teach About Worship

Preachers help their congregations worship better by being good teachers of worship. While a sermon series is helpful, frequently explaining unfamiliar terms or phrases used in worship is essential. For example, not everyone knows “hallelujah” means “praise the Lord” or the hymn lyric “Here I raise my Ebenezer” refers to a stone erected to commemorate God’s help (1 Samuel 7:12). People can’t worship appropriately if they don’t know what they’re singing about. Being a good worship teacher deepens their experience and makes it more meaningful.

5) Occasionally Work Worship Lyrics Into Sermons

The Bible itself illustrates how truth is taught in music, evidenced in 150 psalms and song lyrics memorializing significant events. Traditional hymns, contemporary songs, and popular praise choruses provide great illustrative material to teach sermon truths. When preachers occasionally recite worship lyrics in their sermons, they teach the biblical text and make worshipers aware of good worship songs that reinforce biblical teachings.

So, pastors, help your congregation this week by leading them in worship!

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