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Expository Preaching: Sermons, Thoughts, and Resources of Todd Linn

Preaching Post Fridays

How Pastors Can Bless Their Wives

Today is Valentine’s Day ❤️, so if you are a married pastor, here are seven practical ways you can bless your wife–not just on Valentine’s Day–but throughout the year:

1) Remember You Are Her Pastor

In our zeal to become good pastors to the entire church, we may neglect to be a good pastor to those closest to us. Your wife needs you as much, if not more, than other church members. Never assume she is less needful of spiritual ministry simply because she’s married to the pastor.

2) Have A Regular Date Night

Regularly schedule an evening out together. Your date night need not be expensive; just make time to be together. Most members will appreciate that you have scheduled time together and will resist contacting you on your date night unless it’s an emergency.

3) Be A Good Father

If God has blessed you and your wife with children, then be sure to be there for them as your family’s primary spiritual leader. Because your wife spends a great deal of time parenting the children, you bless her enormously when you share that responsibility and support her decisions in the presence of the children.

4) Invite Her To Minister With You

Serving together is an excellent way for couples to draw closer. Invite your wife to go with you as you make ministry visits. She feels honored to serve with you, and members are encouraged when they see a pastor and wife serving together. Consider the value of her presence when counseling members who may benefit from her knowledge and experience. You may also think about leading a marriage retreat together as another way to bless her and others by including her in ministry.

5) Share With Her What God Is Teaching You

Your wife enjoys hearing how God is working in your life. Taking time to share with her what He has revealed to you in prayer blesses her. You also honor her when you share what God has shown in your study of a biblical passage. Remember you are “heirs together of the grace of life” (1 Peter 3:7).

6) Pray With Her

Your wife enjoys praying for and with you, because she is your divinely created helper (Genesis 2:18). Taking her by the hand and talking to God shows your love. It also gives her a sense of security as her husband regularly seeks God to provide spiritual leadership in the home.

7) Worship With Her

If possible, sit with your wife during worship and praise God with her. Even if it’s just for a few minutes before you preach, she will appreciate the opportunity to worship alongside her husband.

“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord”
(Proverbs 18:22)

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