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Expository Preaching: Sermons, Thoughts, and Resources of Todd Linn

Preaching Post Fridays

How Pastors Can Bless Their Deacons

Deacons are godly individuals called to minister alongside a pastor in the church (1 Timothy 3:8-13). While those who serve well are a blessing to the pastor and congregation, a pastor can also be a blessing to his deacons. Here are six ways pastors can bless deacons in the church:

1) Never Joke About Them

This should go without saying, but I’ve been shocked to hear what some pastors have said in jest about their deacons. I recall a pastor sharing with me a joke he had told about his deacons one morning in worship. While the pastor thought his joke was humorous and harmless, I couldn’t help but feel it undermined his ministry. Months later, I wasn’t surprised to learn the pastor was beginning to suffer hardships related to his leadership. While I believe there is a place for humor in the pulpit, it must never be at the expense of those God has called to serve alongside us.

2) Always Speak Positively About Them

Building on the previous point, always talk about deacons in uplifting ways, especially when speaking from the platform. Remind the congregation how blessed they are to have such godly servants and occasionally share a recent story illustrating how a deacon’s ministry served to edify the church.

3) Provide Good Training For Them

Pastors cannot expect deacons to serve well if they are not trained well. Many books, guides, and videos are available that teach deacons how to serve the church body. Consider a weekend pastor and deacon retreat as an exceptional way to provide for both training and fellowship.

4) Serve Alongside Them

Deacons are servants, but so are pastors, and both are drawn closer to each other when they serve together. Whether making hospital visits or ministering to families, pastors can bless deacons when they serve alongside them.

5) Seek Counsel From Them

While no two deacons are equally gifted, many are especially endowed with wisdom and life experience. Leaning upon them for advice and counsel honors them and strengthens one’s ministry. In the churches I have pastored, God blessed me with a few special deacons who greatly encouraged me. Some were like a friendly Barnabas to me, and others like a fatherly Paul. I knew I could trust these men with private concerns and receive good counsel from them.

6) Pray For Them

In addition to general prayers, pray occasionally for and with individual deacons. It’s been my own experience to have prayed for each deacon during the Lord’s Supper. After our deacons finished serving the church by distributing the bread and cup, I was blessed to serve each of them individually. As I did, I paused momentarily before each deacon, placing my hand on his shoulder, telling him I loved him, and praying for him. It was always an uplifting moment together and strengthened our bond as co-servants of the church.

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