Discovering The Goodness Of Christ In Life-Changing Encounters

What Do A Few Crooks, Prostitutes, And Grieving Parents All Have In Common?
They all discovered the goodness of Christ through life-changing encounters!
Journey through the New Testament Gospels and enjoy a verse-by-verse study of seventeen unique individuals whose lives were powerfully transformed by the Good Lord Jesus Christ.
Reading Good Lord will help you:
- Learn More About The Biblical Jesus
- See How Jesus Christ Changes Lives
- Experience Your Personal Encounter With Christ
Purchase Good Lord today and discover the goodness of Christ in life-changing encounters!
More Reasons To Buy:
Clearly written and highly practical, Good Lord offers both the depth of biblical study and the breadth of real-life application.
You’ll enjoy reading about seventeen different people in the Gospels who met Jesus Christ up close and personal, people like a tax collector, a skeptic, a wealthy ruler, a religious fanatic—and more!
Each study contains a verse-by-verse treatment of the biblical text and concludes with a helpful “What About Your Encounter?” section with questions for further study and application.
You’re also invited to share your personal encounter with Christ on the Preaching Truth website!
Use in small groups or for individual and devotional study. Great for pastors, teachers, and any person interested in a faithful study of Gospel encounters with Jesus Christ!
What Others Are Saying About Todd’s Writing:
“Like having a conversation with a good friend!”
“Wonderful verse-by-verse study”
“Practical, insightful, exegetically sound”
“Rich in life application”
“Clear, concise, easy to follow”
“Delightfully written!”
Todd Linn earned his Ph.D. in preaching from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, and is the author of the verse-by-verse study of the Book of James: You’re Either Walking The Walk Or Just Running Your Mouth! and Preacher Points: 31-Day Devotional For Pastors. Todd has a pastor’s heart and a love for the Word. He writes in a popular style that combines scholarship, humor, and practical application.
You will enjoy Good Lord!