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What if God’s will for your life were clear and understandable?
Imagine receiving an encouraging, yet challenging book that led you in a verse-by-verse study of one of the most practical, action-packed books of the Bible…
Find that encouragement and hope today in this helpful verse-by-verse study of the Book of James!
If you find yourself getting stuck in patterns of sin, confusion, guilt, or shame, You’re Either Walking will help you live the authentic Christian life you desire:
- How to handle adversity
- How to tackle temptation
- How to trust God in uncertain times
- How to talk to God in prayer
You’re Either Walking reads like a modern-day teaching of the Book of James—like having a conversation with a good friend!
Here is a book that delivers a singular blessing rarely found in similar books: a combination of material that is both scholarly and practical.
Purchase a copy today and enjoy a life of “Walking the Walk!”
More Reasons To Buy:
The author carefully and pastorally explains and applies each verse of what is arguably the most action-packed, imperative-filled letter of the New Testament!
Unlike typical commentaries written in the rigid style of academia, Your’e Either Walking weaves faithful, verse-by-verse treatment with engaging narrative, producing a book that is at once trustworthy and refreshing.
Containing helpful headings throughout twenty-four chapters, readers will enjoy a consistent pattern of explanation, illustration, and application of the entire text of James.
Each chapter concludes with a helpful “What About You?” section containing questions for further reflection and action.
Use in small group settings or individual study. Great for pastors, teachers, and any person interested in a faithful study of the Book of James!
What Others Are Saying:
“This is a wonderful verse-by-verse study of the Book of James! It will serve as a valuable resource for the pastor who preaches through James or the teacher leading a small group Bible study. Dr. Linn outlines the passages and provides very helpful exegetical insights. I will certainly use this excellent work in my own preaching and teaching!”
—Daniel L. Akin
President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Practical, insightful, exegetically sound, and delightfully written, Todd Linn’s exposition of James is a joy to read and makes me want to preach through this book all over again! I know of no other book that combines the clear and careful analysis of a scholar with the deft insights of a seasoned pastor like this one.”
—Hershael H. York
Professor of Preaching at Southern Seminary; author of Preaching With Bold Assurance
Todd Linn is a minister with over 23 years of pastoral experience. He has a pastor’s heart and a love for the Word. While having earned his PhD from the highly acclaimed Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, Linn writes in a popular style that combines scholarship, humor, and practical application.
You will enjoy You’re Either Walking The Walk Or Just Running Your Mouth!
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Published by Preaching Truth