A little over four years ago, renowned researcher George Barna released the latest installment of his study on Americans’ theological beliefs. Not surprisingly, the results continue to reflect a downward trend in support of orthodox Christianity.
For example, only 51% of Americans believe God to be the “all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and just Creator of the universe still ruling the world today,” In contrast, just 30 years ago, 73% of Americans believed that to be true.
In a statement to the Christian Post, Barna observed: “The spiritual noise in our culture over the last few decades has confused and misled hundreds of millions of people.” He added: “The message to churches, Christian leaders, and Christian educators is clear: we can no longer assume that people have a solid grasp of even the most basic biblical principles.”
For this reason (and others!) I’ve been dedicating Thursday posts to “Theology Thursdays.” Each week, we’ll examine one aspect of biblical, orthodox Christian theology and why it matters.
The Attributes of God
Attributes of God from Todd Linn, PhD
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