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Expository Preaching: Sermons, Thoughts, and Resources of Todd Linn

Courier & Press

Yesterday’s Article as it Appeared in Evansville IN Courier Press

Evansville Indiana Courier & Press masthead


Todd Linn

Saturday, May 15, 2010

“Our churches need to do something! Pastors need to say something! We need to ‘take back our country!'” These are the common cries of those who feel increasingly marginalized by a burgeoning governmental structure that seems practically beyond their control.

I certainly understand the frustration and truly wish more Christians were better informed politically and engaged in being the “salt and light” our Lord calls us to be.

At the same time, however, I really wonder what people mean when they call for churches to “do something,” or what they have in mind for churches to “do,” and from whom and for what purpose Christians are to “take back” their country?

The statements give rise to questions about the church’s role in politics and questions about the biblical world view of Christians. Christians are to be “salt and light” (Matthew 5:13-16), positively influencing their culture for good. Coupled with biblical passages such as Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Timothy 1:1-2, Christians are called to be involved in politics at least to the degree of praying for leaders and obeying the law of the land.

One reasonably expects Christians will be politically informed and will vote for those best representing biblical values. We would also expect Christians to use whatever influence they have to encourage others to do the same.

But these duties are not to be carried out at the exclusion of a far greater matter of importance. The church’s chief role is to share the Gospel. Christians are to proclaim the centrality of the cross and how God has overcome humankind’s brokenness so that they may be reconciled to him through glorious union with Christ Jesus. This is a Christian’s primary concern, and it never must be forgotten.

The Bible does not call for political revolution. The Bible does not call for the church to set up a theocracy on Earth. This world is not our final destination. To be sure, when Christ returns, he will set up his kingdom as he wishes, and then we will have a perfect theocracy. Until then, however, we live in a fallen world with problems abounding, including the challenging and ubiquitous political problems facing us.

So let us continue to be involved politically by praying, influencing and voting. But let us not forget the church’s main role of “making disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20), committed followers of Christ, regardless of one’s political leanings.

Furthermore, let us not look to our nation’s leaders as miracle workers or superstars or even parental figures. They are merely fallen men and women who have been elected to office. Our ultimate hope does not lie with them. Our ultimate hope lies with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, let’s continue to share our political concerns with our neighbors. More importantly, however, let’s share the Gospel with our neighbors. That’s what they need most and what we most need to share.

The Rev. Todd Linn is pastor of First Baptist Church in Henderson, Ky.

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  1. Bill Patterson

    A good word, Todd. I agree entirely.
    I preached on the cross tonight. As the old song says, “We must needs go home by the way of the cross.” Much TV preaching avoids the cross as though it is unmentionable for modern man. Truth is, it is the source of salvation for individuals and nations.

  2. Thanks, Bill. And I agree with you! Blessings as you continue preaching on the cross.

  3. phillip

    Good article Bro. Todd . I just have a hard time thinking that in this ” fallen world ” that we live in we are just supposed to let the chips fall as they may. Isnt it our duty to be the good nieghbor ? Am I wrong in thinking that my “nieghborhood” is just the area surrounding my home? We go on mission to other countries to share the gospel of hope with the unreached peoples, but at the same time should we also be at city hall, or at the schools. Can we win back what has already been lost like school prayer, 10 commandments, or even the Lords prayer before football games. when do we as christians say enough?

    • Hey, Phillip! Good insights. I think it really comes down to having the right perspective. Missional Christians have a large, global, kingdom-minded worldview. As such, we will continue to influence positively our neighborhoods and our nation. At the same time, however, we will not place our ultimate hopes in our political leaders and political solutions. We will remember that our chief order of business is to share the Gospel wherever we can and as quickly as we can. In the words of Carl F.H. Henry, “The Gospel is good news only if it gets there on time.”

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