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Expository Preaching: Sermons, Thoughts, and Resources of Todd Linn


Gospel Freedom

woman lifting arms in praise

Years ago when my boys were small our family visited a local zoo.  We entered in through a full height turnstile, but then a very strange thing happened.  After my wife and I passed through the turnstile, we heard my youngest son cry out.  Somehow my oldest son had gone through the turnstile first and then moved the bars back behind him so as to trap his younger brother. 

Moving the bar forward would not release him and it was impossible to move the bar backward.  I remember looking at my youngest son standing there in this small compartment in a state of utter hopelessness.  He had come through the gate, but was then stuck inside this small, cage-like “no man’s land” from which he could not free himself.  I don’t remember how we got him out of that predicament but we did!

Most Christians know that the Gospel is the door to salvation but for far too many the Gospel is only a door to salvation.  Many come through the door and immediately enjoy the thought of eternal life but then get “stuck” in a life of bondage. 

Because of recurring sins and private battles these Christians know that God loves them, but often wonder whether He really likes them.  It’s as though these Christians have come through the right door but then get stuck and don’t know how to free themselves. Their lives are marked by recurring feelings of guilt, condemnation, and alienation from God.  

At these times we must remember that the Gospel applies not just at the point of entry, but at every point of the Christian life.  The atonement means Christ’s righteousness completely covers the Christian much as a large overcoat completely covers a body.  When a person becomes a Christian, God forgives all sin—all sin pastpresent, and future—all is covered by Christ’s righteousness.   

Thus while Christians battle sin every day and rightly grieve their frequent failures, they need not worry whether God accepts them because God accepts Christians not on the basis of their personal performance, but on the basis of the infinitely perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ.  

This is the truth of the gospel that God has given to set us free (John 8:32)!  By the power of the gospel Christians are freed from the bondage of guilt and condemnation and are thereby empowered to obey and serve God. 

Enjoy gospel freedom!!

What About You?

  • If you are a Christian, do you know–really know!–gospel freedom? Or are you still trying to earn God’s approval by “working harder” in your Christian walk?
  • With whom can you share John 8:32 today?
  • If you are not a Christian, can you see why the word gospel means “good news?” Trust in Christ today, believing Him to be your only Savior (Link: Becoming A Christian)

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